Tuesday, August 19
Monday, June 2
Sunday, February 10
meanwhile, in better news!

it is a free show if you message me at myspace or through email at triciacat at yahoo dot com.
also, i am so proud to report that radars to the sky will be playing the april residency at the echo every monday night the month of april! co-headliners include: the parson red heads, western states motel, & current echo headliners - the henry clay people.
i cannot express how wonderful this is for my husband. when i met him four years ago he dreamed of playing spaceland & the echo; now, he has a community cherished residency!
in which the author divulges the spectre behind her mercurial mood
perhaps you have known me for four years, maybe you have not? regardless, if we have met more than a few times (say, six to ten nights or lunches) you will have heard me speak about my grandfather, donald albert bisher.
sparing you the sound bite, dr. philiian details, when i was growing up my grandparents played an intrinsic role in my character development. that statement reads cold & analytical to me, but i don't want to divulge into an emotional odyssey & cry at amoreena's computer. in summary, my grandfather took me to the museums of cincinnati four times a month, imparted to me our family history, instilled in me a sense of history, helped me appreciate art history, roman history, and meditation at the young age of eight, put himself through night college to obtain a degree in philosophy in his early forties with a family to raise, and provided me with an early ibm at his & my grandmother's house with which to write my first fantasy novel on floppy disk. his tenacity for all of the diverse spheres of knowledge & his evident conviction for the intersection of all cultures has played a heavy role in the development of my personality. he is, in short, one of my heroes.
during the christmas of 2002, when i was contemplating leaving the doctoral program at ucla, when my long term relationship with my boyfriend was disintegrating, i came home to have my parents tell me that he had colon cancer. the tumor was 23 cm and the doctors advised him against surgery, instead opting for chemo. even in the path of this challenge, my grandfather remained optimistic & took on this disease with the utmost positivity. he reduced his tumor to 4 cm through an act of meditation & faith. two years later the doctors said he was okay.
shortly after, he discovered that he had spots on his liver and would have to continue a type of "maintenance chemo". he asked his doctors to suspend his treatment so that he would be able to attend my wedding with seamus without pain. he was tired for the duration of the trip, but at our wedding he roused the strength to dance to dub reggae. it was wonderful.
now, last friday, my mother informed me that regardless of his top-of-the-line treatment regiment, my grandfather's cancer has spread. it infects his lungs & his bones.
it is due right to opt to cease chemo & he has decided as such. he deserves a quality of life that each human is privy to. rather than feel sick for the remainder of his days, my grandfather will live his life to the fullest & die in a state of grace.
though i understand this logically & accept this with my heart, i am in a state of duress.
i have the chance to see him at the end of this week & will cherish these future moments.
in respect of him, please keep my grandfather in your thoughts.
his bravery in the face of sickness is inspiring. i may lose him physically to cancer, but he will always be here, ever present in my life convictions.
thank you for reading this. i wanted to put into words, so that some of you i have not spoken to explicitly will understand what is happening now in my life.
sparing you the sound bite, dr. philiian details, when i was growing up my grandparents played an intrinsic role in my character development. that statement reads cold & analytical to me, but i don't want to divulge into an emotional odyssey & cry at amoreena's computer. in summary, my grandfather took me to the museums of cincinnati four times a month, imparted to me our family history, instilled in me a sense of history, helped me appreciate art history, roman history, and meditation at the young age of eight, put himself through night college to obtain a degree in philosophy in his early forties with a family to raise, and provided me with an early ibm at his & my grandmother's house with which to write my first fantasy novel on floppy disk. his tenacity for all of the diverse spheres of knowledge & his evident conviction for the intersection of all cultures has played a heavy role in the development of my personality. he is, in short, one of my heroes.
during the christmas of 2002, when i was contemplating leaving the doctoral program at ucla, when my long term relationship with my boyfriend was disintegrating, i came home to have my parents tell me that he had colon cancer. the tumor was 23 cm and the doctors advised him against surgery, instead opting for chemo. even in the path of this challenge, my grandfather remained optimistic & took on this disease with the utmost positivity. he reduced his tumor to 4 cm through an act of meditation & faith. two years later the doctors said he was okay.
shortly after, he discovered that he had spots on his liver and would have to continue a type of "maintenance chemo". he asked his doctors to suspend his treatment so that he would be able to attend my wedding with seamus without pain. he was tired for the duration of the trip, but at our wedding he roused the strength to dance to dub reggae. it was wonderful.
now, last friday, my mother informed me that regardless of his top-of-the-line treatment regiment, my grandfather's cancer has spread. it infects his lungs & his bones.
it is due right to opt to cease chemo & he has decided as such. he deserves a quality of life that each human is privy to. rather than feel sick for the remainder of his days, my grandfather will live his life to the fullest & die in a state of grace.
though i understand this logically & accept this with my heart, i am in a state of duress.
i have the chance to see him at the end of this week & will cherish these future moments.
in respect of him, please keep my grandfather in your thoughts.
his bravery in the face of sickness is inspiring. i may lose him physically to cancer, but he will always be here, ever present in my life convictions.
thank you for reading this. i wanted to put into words, so that some of you i have not spoken to explicitly will understand what is happening now in my life.
Saturday, June 30
shit, am i ever longwinded?
i feel so lazy. i have succumbed to the chaleur. this is an affliction that attacks the productive with sweltering temps trapped in poorly vented apartments - so, too, with the carnal enticement of thin, sweat veils.
why must everyone appear to be more attractive when glistening? seriously, if you have ever needed a reminder that we are animals with special thumbs - that is it.
i haven't updated this journal with a real, content driven post in some time. i could blame this on a variety of factors, but really it is due to the los angeles summer malaise that has never forgotten to wash over me these past six (six?!) years. of course, this malaise or desire to live like a beggar king isn't just limited to summer - anyone who has lived in l.a. for some time (even a few weeks?) can be expected at some point to lament: "does anyone in this city work? NO REALLY? does ANYONE in this town work?"
however, since i spent the day at burke williams bathing in milk & spices i feel ready to post.
so, without further ado:
as of last week, i am a free agent. my show has wrapped. k., what have you gotten me into? television life is an addictive circus, not so different from my past polyamorous friends. it is always exciting & fluid, yet rife with drama & murmurings.
after our show's premiere, i tried to refrain from reading the forums & blogs. it is impossible! i put so much into a script & now the same people i consulted are lambasting it?! oh, you cannot have a fragile ego in this business. shit, son.
what i have learned albeit in this short post production time is that most critics don't affect ratings. they shit on you because it makes them feel important. however, our perecentage was respectable. my mom is not reading the l.a. times' review & neither are her many friends. i expect a second season.
on sunday, we had our wrap party at le merigot in santa monica. cast & crew were arm in arm in drunkeness reminiscent of the carmina burana. no, not the revamped baroque mini opera but the true, raunchy pub songs of medieval academes in the pres. seamus & i ended up at the house of a production member with a technicolor hottub. thank god the tequila ran out. ;)
i look forward to working with my boss again & he has assured me there will be film projects for me to work on this summer. i feel respected & happy. thank you, dear k., for introducing me to such a masochistic world. you knew i would thrive.
however, the wrap party was preceded by quite the weekend.
friday night i had the chance to attend the opening night of hamlet at the hollywood forever cemetery. yes, it's the cemetery at which the tinsel town elite are interred. shakespeare is a new endeavor at the graveyard; typically summers and early fall involves the cinespia screenings. if you are in the l.a. area, cinespia is highly recommended. one cannot beat blankets, wine, cheese, & a classic film screened on the side of one of the most iconic mausoleums in the states.
for its first performance hamlet was well enough recieved. my friend suzy does the graphic design for the cemetery & we had the chance to sit with one of the owners & coterie in the VIP section. it is a cordoned off area of astroturf and classy pillows, situated in front of the reflecting pool. we sat with smoking critics who bemoaned another patron who so painfully fanned her face from the offensive smell of nicotine. mon dieu!
though i prefer the acting of the independent shakespeare co. at the barnsdall park close to our apartment (it really is astounding!), the freshman cemetery production of hamlet was incomparable in setting. to see ophelia tip into the memorial reflecting pool, floating facedown for what seemed fitting to death by drowning, was perfect. the gent who plays hamlet is charming in the youthful, angst ridden but not quite assuredly sinister manner; david melville's hamlet is, comparatively, spot on in ways that make me blush. independent shakespeare co.'s ophelia, played by melissa chalsma (wife to david & very apt artistic director) is masterfully played in that her hysteria is not limited to the recitation of symbolic herbs, but something that is tangible & bacchanalian.
if a bit long, i would highly suggest seeing the cemetery production for atmosphere alone. in august, they begin a midsummer night's dream.
is that you, titania, behind the grave?
not to mention: due to the graces & generosity of the owner, my friend & i had the chance to attend the afterparty which was hosted in the masonic temple on the grounds. yes, masonic temple. yes, on the hollywood forever cemetery grounds.
i had read about the owners' purchasing of the dilapidated cemetery in a recent issue of the weekend supplement to the l.a. times. they were rumored to be turning the temple into a night club, redesigned by tom ford!, which would be premiered as a members only spot. when reading this i shrieked & promptly proclaimed to seamus - "i will be there."
luckily for me, jay was kind enough to extend the opening night reception invitation to seamus & i and we previewed the amazing building. four floors of temple: the ground floor, the congregating room, broad and open with wooden floors and exposed ceiling beams carved ornately like some cathedral in burgundy avec renowned dj, open bar, appetizers, & movie projection; the second with a mediterranean tiled shower (yes, i was tempted!) and office with great art; three, a balcony overlooking the property; & finally, a cupola with rare buddhist art.
it was phenomenal. thank you, suzy & jay.
saturday was the castle evening. a group of twenty or so traversed to the magic castle in hollywood to see michael morena perform his wonderment! if you have yet to go to the castle, do anything you can to do so! morena is a true showman & a kind heart! i had a wonderful time & was offered a return pass by a member. i believe seamus & i will be celebrating his birthday there in late august.
sleight of hand was followed by the hospitality of the hollywood castle. no weekend would be complete if there we didn't cross a moat & a drawbridge. if you have yet to see photos of our friends' home, please direct yourself to their myspace page. it is listed in my top friends for good reason. as previously mentioned, it is the castle at which spinal tap was filmed, a place of true freedom & debauchery. "what happens at the castle, stays at the castle."
no, that is too trite. really, though, i love all the memories i have so accrued thus far at this place. adam & boyana are dear to me in their sheer willingness to offer others a truly magical experience.
fuck, this is long. i apologize. i wanted to be faithful & honest to you. i needed to update & let you know that all is in flux.
as for now, i am sitting at the computer with the merciful fan blowing in my face. living in l.a. without air conditioning is hell. thank god, my circulation is so poor that i am cold in 78 degree weather. sitting in the eucalyptus wet sauna at burke williams today i realized how unnatural it is for me to feel at home in such a heated environment.
drinking some vodka with diet coke - "the skinny bitch" as we have dubbed it - listening to snowden on itunes, & hoping that everyone will show tomorrow at seamus' headlining gig at the echo.
if you are in the l.a. area, seamus' band is playing with other, local indie phenoms tigers can bite you, the henry clay people, & molecules at the echo (see my myspace profile for links to their respective pages). this showcase is being sponsored by the incomparable radio free silverlake, the rock insider, and kxlu! it's five bucks with the flier (find it on my flickr or my main profile page) for four sonically amazing bands.
i am offering vouchers for a free haircut, a lawn cutting, or a palmistry session for those who attend and say hello.
in closing - did you really make it this far? - i am in love with all of you. thank you so much for offering fine examples each day of what it is to be an intriguing citizen of this world.
who knows how long our welcome has been extended? let's party & create great things.
why must everyone appear to be more attractive when glistening? seriously, if you have ever needed a reminder that we are animals with special thumbs - that is it.
i haven't updated this journal with a real, content driven post in some time. i could blame this on a variety of factors, but really it is due to the los angeles summer malaise that has never forgotten to wash over me these past six (six?!) years. of course, this malaise or desire to live like a beggar king isn't just limited to summer - anyone who has lived in l.a. for some time (even a few weeks?) can be expected at some point to lament: "does anyone in this city work? NO REALLY? does ANYONE in this town work?"
however, since i spent the day at burke williams bathing in milk & spices i feel ready to post.
so, without further ado:
as of last week, i am a free agent. my show has wrapped. k., what have you gotten me into? television life is an addictive circus, not so different from my past polyamorous friends. it is always exciting & fluid, yet rife with drama & murmurings.
after our show's premiere, i tried to refrain from reading the forums & blogs. it is impossible! i put so much into a script & now the same people i consulted are lambasting it?! oh, you cannot have a fragile ego in this business. shit, son.
what i have learned albeit in this short post production time is that most critics don't affect ratings. they shit on you because it makes them feel important. however, our perecentage was respectable. my mom is not reading the l.a. times' review & neither are her many friends. i expect a second season.
on sunday, we had our wrap party at le merigot in santa monica. cast & crew were arm in arm in drunkeness reminiscent of the carmina burana. no, not the revamped baroque mini opera but the true, raunchy pub songs of medieval academes in the pres. seamus & i ended up at the house of a production member with a technicolor hottub. thank god the tequila ran out. ;)
i look forward to working with my boss again & he has assured me there will be film projects for me to work on this summer. i feel respected & happy. thank you, dear k., for introducing me to such a masochistic world. you knew i would thrive.
however, the wrap party was preceded by quite the weekend.
friday night i had the chance to attend the opening night of hamlet at the hollywood forever cemetery. yes, it's the cemetery at which the tinsel town elite are interred. shakespeare is a new endeavor at the graveyard; typically summers and early fall involves the cinespia screenings. if you are in the l.a. area, cinespia is highly recommended. one cannot beat blankets, wine, cheese, & a classic film screened on the side of one of the most iconic mausoleums in the states.
for its first performance hamlet was well enough recieved. my friend suzy does the graphic design for the cemetery & we had the chance to sit with one of the owners & coterie in the VIP section. it is a cordoned off area of astroturf and classy pillows, situated in front of the reflecting pool. we sat with smoking critics who bemoaned another patron who so painfully fanned her face from the offensive smell of nicotine. mon dieu!
though i prefer the acting of the independent shakespeare co. at the barnsdall park close to our apartment (it really is astounding!), the freshman cemetery production of hamlet was incomparable in setting. to see ophelia tip into the memorial reflecting pool, floating facedown for what seemed fitting to death by drowning, was perfect. the gent who plays hamlet is charming in the youthful, angst ridden but not quite assuredly sinister manner; david melville's hamlet is, comparatively, spot on in ways that make me blush. independent shakespeare co.'s ophelia, played by melissa chalsma (wife to david & very apt artistic director) is masterfully played in that her hysteria is not limited to the recitation of symbolic herbs, but something that is tangible & bacchanalian.
if a bit long, i would highly suggest seeing the cemetery production for atmosphere alone. in august, they begin a midsummer night's dream.
is that you, titania, behind the grave?
not to mention: due to the graces & generosity of the owner, my friend & i had the chance to attend the afterparty which was hosted in the masonic temple on the grounds. yes, masonic temple. yes, on the hollywood forever cemetery grounds.
i had read about the owners' purchasing of the dilapidated cemetery in a recent issue of the weekend supplement to the l.a. times. they were rumored to be turning the temple into a night club, redesigned by tom ford!, which would be premiered as a members only spot. when reading this i shrieked & promptly proclaimed to seamus - "i will be there."
luckily for me, jay was kind enough to extend the opening night reception invitation to seamus & i and we previewed the amazing building. four floors of temple: the ground floor, the congregating room, broad and open with wooden floors and exposed ceiling beams carved ornately like some cathedral in burgundy avec renowned dj, open bar, appetizers, & movie projection; the second with a mediterranean tiled shower (yes, i was tempted!) and office with great art; three, a balcony overlooking the property; & finally, a cupola with rare buddhist art.
it was phenomenal. thank you, suzy & jay.
saturday was the castle evening. a group of twenty or so traversed to the magic castle in hollywood to see michael morena perform his wonderment! if you have yet to go to the castle, do anything you can to do so! morena is a true showman & a kind heart! i had a wonderful time & was offered a return pass by a member. i believe seamus & i will be celebrating his birthday there in late august.
sleight of hand was followed by the hospitality of the hollywood castle. no weekend would be complete if there we didn't cross a moat & a drawbridge. if you have yet to see photos of our friends' home, please direct yourself to their myspace page. it is listed in my top friends for good reason. as previously mentioned, it is the castle at which spinal tap was filmed, a place of true freedom & debauchery. "what happens at the castle, stays at the castle."
no, that is too trite. really, though, i love all the memories i have so accrued thus far at this place. adam & boyana are dear to me in their sheer willingness to offer others a truly magical experience.
fuck, this is long. i apologize. i wanted to be faithful & honest to you. i needed to update & let you know that all is in flux.
as for now, i am sitting at the computer with the merciful fan blowing in my face. living in l.a. without air conditioning is hell. thank god, my circulation is so poor that i am cold in 78 degree weather. sitting in the eucalyptus wet sauna at burke williams today i realized how unnatural it is for me to feel at home in such a heated environment.
drinking some vodka with diet coke - "the skinny bitch" as we have dubbed it - listening to snowden on itunes, & hoping that everyone will show tomorrow at seamus' headlining gig at the echo.
if you are in the l.a. area, seamus' band is playing with other, local indie phenoms tigers can bite you, the henry clay people, & molecules at the echo (see my myspace profile for links to their respective pages). this showcase is being sponsored by the incomparable radio free silverlake, the rock insider, and kxlu! it's five bucks with the flier (find it on my flickr or my main profile page) for four sonically amazing bands.
i am offering vouchers for a free haircut, a lawn cutting, or a palmistry session for those who attend and say hello.
in closing - did you really make it this far? - i am in love with all of you. thank you so much for offering fine examples each day of what it is to be an intriguing citizen of this world.
who knows how long our welcome has been extended? let's party & create great things.
Wednesday, June 27
another list, not franz.
the next post will involve:
a party in the masonic temple in the hollywood forever cemetery
seeing hamlet in said cemetery
a trip to the magic castle
the afterparty at another castle
my very first wrap party
a technicolor hottub
incentive to see my husband's band play at the echo this saturday.
it will come laterish?
right now, i need to set up a casting interview.
a party in the masonic temple in the hollywood forever cemetery
seeing hamlet in said cemetery
a trip to the magic castle
the afterparty at another castle
my very first wrap party
a technicolor hottub
incentive to see my husband's band play at the echo this saturday.
it will come laterish?
right now, i need to set up a casting interview.
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