perhaps you have known me for four years, maybe you have not? regardless, if we have met more than a few times (say, six to ten nights or lunches) you will have heard me speak about my grandfather, donald albert bisher.
sparing you the sound bite, dr. philiian details, when i was growing up my grandparents played an intrinsic role in my character development. that statement reads cold & analytical to me, but i don't want to divulge into an emotional odyssey & cry at amoreena's computer. in summary, my grandfather took me to the museums of cincinnati four times a month, imparted to me our family history, instilled in me a sense of history, helped me appreciate art history, roman history, and meditation at the young age of eight, put himself through night college to obtain a degree in philosophy in his early forties with a family to raise, and provided me with an early ibm at his & my grandmother's house with which to write my first fantasy novel on floppy disk. his tenacity for all of the diverse spheres of knowledge & his evident conviction for the intersection of all cultures has played a heavy role in the development of my personality. he is, in short, one of my heroes.
during the christmas of 2002, when i was contemplating leaving the doctoral program at ucla, when my long term relationship with my boyfriend was disintegrating, i came home to have my parents tell me that he had colon cancer. the tumor was 23 cm and the doctors advised him against surgery, instead opting for chemo. even in the path of this challenge, my grandfather remained optimistic & took on this disease with the utmost positivity. he reduced his tumor to 4 cm through an act of meditation & faith. two years later the doctors said he was okay.
shortly after, he discovered that he had spots on his liver and would have to continue a type of "maintenance chemo". he asked his doctors to suspend his treatment so that he would be able to attend my wedding with seamus without pain. he was tired for the duration of the trip, but at our wedding he roused the strength to dance to dub reggae. it was wonderful.
now, last friday, my mother informed me that regardless of his top-of-the-line treatment regiment, my grandfather's cancer has spread. it infects his lungs & his bones.
it is due right to opt to cease chemo & he has decided as such. he deserves a quality of life that each human is privy to. rather than feel sick for the remainder of his days, my grandfather will live his life to the fullest & die in a state of grace.
though i understand this logically & accept this with my heart, i am in a state of duress.
i have the chance to see him at the end of this week & will cherish these future moments.
in respect of him, please keep my grandfather in your thoughts.
his bravery in the face of sickness is inspiring. i may lose him physically to cancer, but he will always be here, ever present in my life convictions.
thank you for reading this. i wanted to put into words, so that some of you i have not spoken to explicitly will understand what is happening now in my life.