Thursday, May 31

listmania: the revenge!

1. little radio's summercamp: the best party in town!
2. my beloved little sister's two week los angeles romp!
3. the vintage channel!
4. first fridays at the natural history museum with autolux & deerhoof!
5. radars to the sky, airborne toxic event, & the happy hollows at the troubadour!
6. the beauty of the deep sea (requires log in)
7. professional ladders
8. stuff on my lohan
9. the love of one's life

1 comment:

Agent Lover said...

I shall get used to reading here instead. I ended up having to go back to livejournal and crosspost from agentlover, since some people like to remain in that kind of circle...i.e. not comment anywhere else. hehe! but still, i don't cross-post everything.

I LOVE that nytimes link. I'm glad I signed up for it. Sea creatures are my absolutely favorite. I think I will tip my hat to you on my own blog tomorrow.

have fun at deerhoof! i have previous engagements otherwise I would have gone.
