Friday, February 9

ch-ch-changes or, how i learned to love the bomb

the big news is: i got a new job.

yes, i am leaving the bookstore. sadly, i need more money & emotional stability within the work place.

i will miss working there greatly. i know that i am good with books. i foresee the store doing very well in the future. however the timing is not right. i suppose the cheese that applies to intimate relationships applies to business ones, too.

that said, i have recently been hired as a writer's researcher / assistant on a buzz television show. this is a wholly new realm of work for me, but i am excited. i needed this. challenge is a large part of inspiration & lord knows i have been as creative as a louse. here is to all things unexpected & wonderful!

so - that is it.

NO: i am not pregnant; i have not won the lottery; i did not release a sex tape; we are not moving to france, though we will one day.

all good guesses, though.

thank you so very much for looking out for me, ms. karin. you were the impetus!


Rachel said...

a huge motherfucking CONGRATS!!!!

Unknown said...
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